Guys. Fuck. I'm on page forty-nine, guys. I need to read over 30 pages per day if I want to return this to the library on time and this is my third day with the book and after I read it before bed tonight I'll probably be on page 60. I mean, yeah, I can extend it, but that's admitting defeat. One needs a strict schedule to read Infinite Jest and if I don't stick with the schedule I'll lapse and oh god when Erdedy is waiting for the woman to come with the weed and who the HELL is Erdedy who is this woman where is she she said she'd come.
I do not know who Roy Tony is but that shit with Reginald was unreadable. It actually exhausted me just taking in sentences like "Reginald he come round to my blacktop at my building where me and Delores Epps jump double dutch and he say, Clenette, Wardine be down at my crib cry say her momma aint treat her right, and I go on with Reginald to his building where he live at, and Wardine be sit deep far back in a closet in Reginald crib, and she be cry." I DON'T KNOW WHO ANY OF THOSE CHARACTERS ARE BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT INTRODUCED THEM I NEED TO GO TO WORK IN THE MORNING PLEASE
Why, yes, I will get a second bookmark and leave it in the back for the endnotes.
Ugh the roaches. Why. There are roaches in Orin's place. I hate roaches. "Armored-vehicle-type bugs." This made me laugh really hard, though:
Roaches gave him the howling fantods. The parishes around N.O. had been having a spate or outbreak of a certain Latin-origin breed of sinister tropical flying roaches, that were small and timid but could fucking fly, and that kept being found swarming on New Orleans infants, at night, in their cribs, especially infants in like tenements or squalor, and that reportedly fed on the mucus in the babies' eyes, some special sort of optical-mucus -- the stuff of fucking nightmares, mobile flying roaches that wanted to get at your eyes, as an infant -- and were reportedly blinding them; . . .btw that last sentence has another one hundred and nine words in it. I counted them, just now. This is my hell.
I think it goes without saying that I love this book. It's really great. Hal is great. I really like his character a lot. That Moms is a prescriptivist grammar advocate makes me feel smart 'cause I know what that is after reading that essay in Consider The Lobster. Plenty of Boston locale shout-outs, too, including a Tufts student center.
Also, that last paragraph on page 42, with Orin's morning; that's what agoraphobic anxiety feels like. Nailed it, DFW.
Tell me: is The Year Of Glad before or after The Year Of The Depends Adult Undergarment? This story isn't being told chronologically and it upsets me. Is there going to be a timeline for this thing? Maybe an endnote has some sort of graph for when this is all happening.
Earlier, someone asked me what the book is about. I honestly have no idea. People seem to spend a lot of time having panic attacks, using drugs, and watching entertainment devices. Life, I guess.
Fucking love this review. You figure out years a little later on so no worries. I put it down around page 200 about 2 months and I think I'm going to have to start over. I still have no idea what the book is about.